case study: parliament

Reflections on our national legislature in the democratic era

Founding partners Katharine McKenzie and Sarah Hetherington were members of the media team at the Constitutional Assembly during the writing of the Constitution in the mid 1990s. Since then, String has produced three publications for Parliament – The First Five Years of Democracy in South Africa, The National Council of Provinces: Perspectives on the First Ten Years, and Parliament since 1994 – Achievements and Challenges.

The String team worked closely with the legislature’s senior officials to develop content outlines, research, write, picture edit, design and layout, and printing. String has also undertaken editing, design and layout of various print materials for Parliament, including guides to statutes and induction material for new members.

year: 2000 – 2017

services: Research, interviewing, writing, editing, picture research and editing, project management, design and layout, proof-reading, production management and printing